From here: The 501 Developer Manifesto.

We are software developers who take pride in our work but choose not to be wholly defined by it.

As such, we are proud to say that we value:

  • Our families over the commercial goals of business owners
  • Free time over free snacks
  • Living our lives over maintaining our personal brands
  • Sustainable pace over Muscle-man heroics
  • Our personal creative projects over commercial products the world doesn’t need
  • Having money for nice clothes over getting free t-shirts from Microsoft
  • Playing football in the pub with our friends over playing football in the office with our team leader
  • Not being a dick over being a rockstar

That is to say, we value the things on the left more than we value the things on the right. And some of the things on the right aren’t even on our radar.

If you:

  • Write a technical blog
  • Contribute to open source projects
  • Attend user groups in your spare time
  • Mostly only read books about coding and productivity
  • Push to GitHub while sitting on the toilet
  • Are committed to maximum awesomeness at all times, or would have us believe it

..we repect you for it. There’s probably some pity in there too, but honestly, it’s mostly respect.

We recognize that your willingness to allow your employment to penetrate deeply into your personal life means that you will inevitably become our supervisor. We’re cool with this.

In return, you must recongnize that the success of the projects on which we work together depends largely upon the degree to which you treat us with respect, both as skilled professionals and as a deversity of autonomous living people. Get that right, and we’ll do a great job. Get it badly wrong, and there’s a risk that we’ll piss all over your fireworks. There are more of us than there are of you.

To us it is just a job, but we still do it well.

Created 2012-04-17. Email. Full respect to Soctt Hanselman and to the authors of the Agile Manifesto, which I have so lamely pastiched. Sorry about the ugly HTML - I’d fix it, but I’am going home now.